Thursday, January 2, 2014

Plan Your Personal Style Makeover for the Year

Goal setting is crucial to finding and improving your personal style. There is simply no other way to produce real lasting change. Look closely at anything you've achieved in your life and you'll discover that there was probably a thoroughly planned and well executed goal behind it. Here are the reasons why goal setting is so important.


Goal setting gives you clarity about what you want your personal style to be. Be clear about the the type of style and look that interests you. Find pictures or visit department stores to determine your new image.Most of us have vague desires floating around in our heads. If you don't set down in concrete terms exactly what you want, you'll end up spinning your wheels and getting nothing done. You actually create your goals twice – once in your mind and once later in reality. The clearer the vision in your mind, the easier it is to formulate concrete steps that will get you there.


When you write down your personal style goal and start working toward it, you give yourself a sense of responsibility to see it through. You can easily understand that whether or not you attain your goal has little to do with outside influence and everything to do with your attitude and actions. You can no longer blame others for your failure to get what you want. You become solely accountable.


If you write clear and specific personal style goals it will give you a concrete action plan. Wishing for a new personal image doesn't do this. Just like losing weight, planning to change your look takes an action plan. You know that you have to get started today and take small steps toward your eventual target. An important part of the goal setting process is breaking up your goals into smaller goals and a daily action plan that will get you there. Start creating a shopping list for the next season this will stop you from buying unnecessary items and it will force you to stick to your plan.


Without a personal style goal, how do you stay on target, especially when things go wrong? Making daily progress toward your goal through your action plan gives you the motivation to keep going. You can see how far you've come and you know that it would be a shame to turn back. For many people, simply putting your goal into words and getting started is a great motivator. You can also keep a picture journal to see your progress.


Without laser-sharp focus, you’re unlikely to ever achieve a total makeover. Having a personal style goal and a shopping plan keeps you completely focused on what you need to do in order to make changes. It's much harder to be distracted or led astray by sale items or by impulse shopping. If you set goals, you know exactly where to put your energy to get things done.

One Goal at a Time

Personal goal setting is important but there's a right and wrong way to do it. Like any skill, it's something you need to learn and practice. Most people don't learn from their goal-setting mistakes and they continually struggle to attain the goals they desire. You're motivated and you've got lots of changes you want to make in your life or business, but slow down. Take it one goal at a time. Choose which is most important to you and focus on it. Let the others wait. Once you're in the groove with the first goal, you can think about adding something else. Most of us are too busy to tackle more than one and there's the risk of burning out. Take your time and have fun planning and shopping for the new you!

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